Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Under the sun

The night life takes some getting used to.  As the new job settles in more and more, the more creative I get to be in terms of getting in a sleeping pattern.  For now that seems to be the biggest distraction or worry.  I survived the first night's shift.  One point of emphasis that echoes back is the self care aspect.

Earlier in the evening, the twilight hour coaxed me out of my day slumber.  I had up to that point debated to get another hour's rest, thimble around hulu or netflix and get caught up on some episodes of shows I like.  There was writing this, or even the idea of writing this.  But that gleaning light- it caught my eye.

I threw on a beanie, a hoodie, some shoes, and got to waddling.  Some things to notice about this power walk.  I had in mind to boost my sluggish appearance, attitude, and spirit.  I needed this invitation.  So I walked, and I talked.  I like to pray.  At the beginning I suppose it's natural to feel the anxiety.  My body was trying to warm up, the adrenaline was starting to circulate, my mind a bit wandering.  So I pray.

I prayed for that person, perhaps who takes up the majority of my thoughts.  Prayed for their strength, their dignity, their focus, their relationships and development of character.  Then I prayed for friends and family.  I know it's the least I could do.  I prayed for their endurance, patience, prosperity at least in the spiritual and peaceful sense.  As the 1 mile trek continued I constantly mentally played through the evening at work that is to come.  I notice too at this time, the sun is gliding behind some cloud cover.  I speed up a bit for fear of the inconvenience of being behind an apartment complex and missing the sunset altogether.  I continue to visualize work.  My one place to do well, to be well.  I pray that aren't any serious incidents, that the people I serve and my co wokers can feel confident and comfortable in my serving them.  I wish good communication.  I pray that the power that be watch over the weary and tested souls in our care tonight.  I thank God for my community of faith, for its nourishment, it's blessing, its encouragement, and its protection.

The walk becomes easier.  More energized.  More effortless.  The blood is pumping  Then My thoughts transition into a state of playfulness.  Of vice and novelty.  I tell jokes to myself.  I imagine seeing people laughing or at least chuckling.  Co workers, guests, family.  lovers.

All because I strolled under the sun, and I'm glad for that.


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