Wizard-ing (10 things)
Urban Dictionary- a resource that is as ridiculous as it enlightening, has 2 definitions of Wizard and Grand Wizard.
Wizard- 30+ male virgin.
Grand Wizard- Highest Authority in the KKK
Well the cat's out of the bag. I'm a cherry, and blasphemous. Wizard isn't something that trends on Twitter. At least I don't think it does. I haven't seen anyone update their status saying 'feeling WiZardly' But this could change after I hit publish.
I've been called a Wizard. And well I haven't really understood why. So what has possessing 'Wizardly" characteristics taught me? I can think of a couple of things.
10- Slaying Dragons is overrated. There are trolls and elves for that sh$#.
9- the most exotic potion recipes aren't what they're hyped up to be. Sometimes after a hard days work, Mike's Hard Earthy Lemonade, or Smirnoff-u-luff-a-gus can get the job done. Especially after creating a new constitution for a nation of Gremlins.
9- Singing terribly and out of tune is more courageous than all get up. Lip syncing like a boss is a cowards way out. Your soul deserves to struggle and hope. Not imitate and wither.
8- The odds constantly seem to always mount an offensive against you. The foolishness is the thought that an ultimate evil or overwhelming power in numbers or concentration can defeat you. Armies. Kings. Beast and Half-Dead Zombie looking creatures think they got the jump on you. That's the myth of your extraordinariness. You possess the power to see greatness and goodness in everything, every situation, and everyone. Mostly the outcasts and the peasants. That's ordinary. And therein lies your strength.
7- pleasant bodily aromas are to be cautiously and sparingly utilized. Dwarfs find it offensive and rancid. And there was that one time the king Spiders got the jump on me because of. . .
6- routine is a discipline. Even in suffering, hurting, and despairing. you grow in it, embrace it. harness it. Do it with dignity. Do it consistently. Take pride in it. People will see it, notice it.
5- As a diplomat, an ambassador, a dignitary. Your most prized political asset is stepping back and not saying a word. For when you do decide to speak, it's respected and appreciated.
4- It doesn't matter how much knowledge, experience, how many wars, battles you've fought. You simply making the choice to get out of bed and stand on your own two feet is the real miracle.
3- A lot of people can live for the big moments in life. Few can feel the freedom and happiness of the insignificance of all those little unimpressive moments.
2- Love coupled with prayer is magical.
1- No one remembers your name. But if you've done your job, the impact you had is seen, felt, and inspired. It means you felt it important enough to focus on others and erased your name and credentials letter by letter, so that others could be greater than yourself. And you smiled the whole time doing it.
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