Monday, July 27, 2015

Ninja skills in the workplace

It's been a little over 3 months on the current bid. Adulting.  Responsibility.  Accountability.  Yikes, I wonder if they really understand what they got.  And then Monday's happen.

Maintaining a playful spirit in the workplace takes time and work.  Co workers have to be comfortable with your quirkiness and personality.  It is after all, an indication of optimism and self forgetfulness.  No one needn't tell us the seriousness of what we do.  Livelihoods depend on our competence, professionalism, and punctuality.  Yet if we invest so much energy, creativity, and aptitude into those we serve, then naturally, we neglect each other.

I digress.

Joking, pestering, and teasing is almost a blood sport in the dig I call the office.  We try and make co worker's giggle inappropriately when they're 'taking care of a customer' Lil Wayne references are encouraged.  And yes, politically incorrectness and sexual innuendo spews left and right.  Yet we are a serious enterprise.  Because we know the work hours are hard, it wreaks havoc on our bodies and our spirits when you hear "ugh, f$*k my life".

Then you get a phone call, and it begins to happen.  The little thought experiment, behavior modification, attitude adjustment, or the slight shift in the wrinkle that is the title you hold.  On my phone, at my desk, is a sticky note.  The tension is built up from a voice mail you listened to but 2 minutes before that and the knot in your stomach churns.  An accident happened.  The person is in critical care.  And now, your business acumen must negotiate and blend a sense of humanity on the return call.

It's the dark desperately trying to suffocate the light.  You go between praying and scripting at least the first sentence you'll utter, no, confidently and compassionately begin the conversation with.  Then you get distracted, uneasy and begin to pray in your head.  It's Monday.  Monday's are supposed to be insignificant.

It's the hardest conversation you'll have today.  It'll be insignificant to the other party, but you want it to be meaningful, thoughtful, and present.

The sticky note you scribbled and thought was cheesier than hell has 3 bullet points and a line:

*Thank you for all that you do

*You're doing a great job

*Is there anything else I can do to help you?

"Always end on a positive note."

Ironically you scribbled it because you get to the whipping post some days, the guy they take it out on, so it's a try and keep perspective motivator.

Yet in the tragedy and reality of these situations, you see the bigger picture.  The conversation goes well.  Asking smart questions, and the timing of those smart questions goes a long way.  You parrot back key phrases like "it sounds like you really love him and he really loves you", "My faith is important to me as well", "Thank you for thinking to let me know what was going on."  Everyone feels lighter as the conversation goes on.  It's a small victory that will go a long way too.

Phone down, deep breath, take a walk.

Now, who was I making fun of. . . .